31 May 2006


This morning I took eight boxes of books to the Goodwill as well as one rather large box of LP's and cassettes. Yes, LP's. It's rather difficult for me to let go of my books so I think I was rather successful thus far.

I then packed up nine boxes of books that I intend on keeping and now I need more boxes.

Isn't this exciting?


Anonymous said...

you got rid of LP's, shame on you! You should send them to me, I can always use more.

K-A said...

Ooops. I forgot.

Robert said...

I had a giant crate of LP's and a small one for 45's. I got rid of them, too. I wish I really hadn't, but I did. Now I could kick myself for it and...

Oops! heh! :-)

You did good by letting go. Someday, whatever it is, it'll come back to you ten-fold [not necessary in volume tho! hehe!]!

K-A said...

At the moment I don't think I'll regret it, but I did keep a handful of LP's and I have kept all my 45's.