24 November 2007

It's Going Around

I brought a wicked cold back from North Carolina. The above image is how I have been dealing with it. In fact this was my Thanksgiving. No Tofurky this year! However I did manage a bottle of Champagne and NyQuil. What a wonderful combination.

Here it is Saturday and I'm still sick. I hope I get well soon because I leave for Florida on Tuesday. Ugh!


Homer said...

If I was there I'd put my nurses cap on and give you sponge baths.

Anonymous said...

Feel better!

K-A said...


Okay! : )

K-A said...


Shmoo! Thanks.

The Other Andrew said...

Get better soon!

Robert said...

It's Tuesday morning now, I hope you're feeling much better... And have fun on your trip to Florida. Seeing mommy aren't you?

Take care sweetcheeks!!

K-A said...

The Other Andrew,

Thank you! I am feeling better now.

K-A said...


Sweetcheeks, indeed!

I won't be leaving for Florida until tomorrow. My mum is on her way back from Seattle today.

Thanks for stopping by.

Thombeau said...

Lots of water! Vitamin C! Get better NOW!

K-A said...

Yes, sir!