22 July 2007

New Ad Campaign

Thanks be to my friends over at Fabulon for the idea!


Anonymous said...

I love this, you seem so fashionable surrounded by models and champagne. :-P

K-A said...

Seem? Dah-link, I am! ;)

Robert said...

Most of the elements in the picture seemed super-imposed?!? Is it me or it's actually the intended effect?

Hey! That guy on the left looks WAAAY HOT!!! mmm...

K-A said...

Actually, it's just me that is super-imposed. The rest is as is.

Me hot? Hah! You're very sweet Robert.

Thombeau said...

You look perfectly at home with this group!

Robert said...

Just you? Really? Looks to me that everyone's photochopp'd in the picture!?! Anyway, read your email. Will reply soon!

Yeah, you're hot! :-P

jason said...

wow...very glamorous workplace y'all have there!

K-A said...

Tee hee, thanks! ;)