I arrived late Sunday evening. Steve and Jim were here with Melissa. They had been indulging in libations and were sweet enough to wait up for me so I could get a few in myself. It was good to see everyone together like old times.
I got up early this morning and mowed the lawn as it was in dire need. Then I went to my storage unit to get a few items so to make my space homier. I must say when I opened the door to the storage unit I got an overwhelming sense of dread and trepidation. There is so much stuff! It made me a little depressed to look at it because I like it all, but I know I need to let go of it too. Oh, this is going to be difficult.
Nora-Grace and Tabitha are settling in, but I think they miss all the space they had to run around in at my mother’s house. They are also aware of Melissa's cats on the other side of the door. We hope at sometime we can introduce them to one another, but I know cats for the most part don't get along with one another unless they were raised together. We shall see.
Melissa leaves for France tomorrow afternoon. I will be taking care of her house and some household chores while she is gone.
Tomorrow I need to run some errands and visit the grocery store. I think I will also pop in at the Gallery and have some over priced coffee with a dash of attitude for old time sake.