27 June 2008
Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog
Teaser from Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog on Vimeo.
Yay, I love Joss Whedon! Neil Patrick Harris is looking fine too these days. I am looking forward to seeing these Online musical minisodes. I think it should be quite enjoyable. If Joss Whedon is involved its got to be good!
20 June 2008
Special Vanity and Other News

Part of the proceeds goes to the Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation, which aides in the upkeep of the parkway and the parks. Speaking of, I never understood why in the USA one drives on a parkway and parks on a driveway.
Anyhow, I also splurged and had the tag personalised and as when I created my blog I did not know what to call it so I gave it the number of my apartment at that time. So I have given my tag the name of my blog. Yes, my creativity is astounding.
In other news I am now domiciled in the loft. It’s a big change from the cottage. The children aren’t happy about it. I think they are a little freaked out right now. Nora-Grace is walking around hissing and growling. Tabitha is whining and pacing the floor. I can’t say I blame them as the current two rooms don’t have all that great of a view and they also don’t have as much space to run around in.
I still have more belongings to move from the cottage, which I will do tonight when I get home from work. It’s amazing how much stuff I had with me in the cottage. I purposely only brought in the minimal or at least this is what I thought, but it seemed to have multiplied.
During this last move I realised I really don’t need all that I have and can get by with very little. I have even more stuff all packed away on the first floor of the building. Some of it is what I put back into storage after I moved out of my apartment and some of the stuff I had in storage for five years back in Savannah. I seemed to have got along fine without it and sometimes I never thought about any of it. Often I would have panic attacks when visiting it because I would open the door to the 10 x 20 storage unit and be confronted with STUFF.
I think I am going to use this time in the warehouse to sort through things and get rid of it. It’s easier for me to write this then actually do, but it’s going to be an ongoing effort and project.
16 June 2008
Loft (endless)
Destin and I moved my two large armoires as well as the large kitchen cabinet. I lugged the small sofa… or rather large scratch post up the stairs myself Sunday night, which is why my back is off kilter now.
Anyhow, we managed to put the two armoires together fairly quickly, but were pretty much wiped out afterwards. We will be moving my stuff from the cottage on Wednesday evening when I get home from work and I guess that will be my first night there.
The studio room is just about 300 square feet so it makes for a good-sized living room, but I can’t wait to finish the rest of the place. Patience is a virtue in this case… because I have no choice!
Tomorrow night I’ll work on the place some more. That’s really the last night I have. I’ll have to do the rest once the cats and I are settled. They’re not going to like this because they have become quite accustomed to the cottage and its screen porch, as have I.

More of the same, knocking out the old glazing.

13 June 2008
Busy Weekend Ahead
Every night after work except Tuesday night I have gone to the loft and worked on it some. The bed room walls, ceiling and trim have been painted. Last night I painted the first coat on the floors in the bed room and studio room. Tonight I have to apply the second coat to the floors as well as paint two doors. Oh, and its laundry night. Yes, my Friday nights are full of excitement!
On Saturday I will be installing the A/C in the studio and replacing 16 panes of glass. On Sunday I will be putting together a kitchenette of sorts... and I am not quite sure how and what I will do. I have taken Monday off because I will be moving into the loft.
I recently found out I have to be out of the house I am staying at because the owners are coming to work on the house on the 19 June. They didn’t say I had to leave, but I would feel awkward having them and workers coming in and out while I am at work all day. As well, they have a dog and Nora-Grace and Tabitha would not approve.
This is why I have been rushing to get the loft partially finished. I will set the studio up temporarily as a living room and kitchen. The bedroom will be just fine. I will work on the rest of the space while living there. Ultimately I believe this will push me to move faster on having it completed especially since the cats and I are about to be confined to 500 square feet. We are all going to miss the wonderful screened porch and I know Tabitha is going to be quite vocal about it.

08 June 2008
Today the temperature was 104F, which made the third floor damn near 110F! My poor little bedroom air conditioner barely could keep up. I was planning to work on the windows too, but as stated it was too hot.
This week I will need to work on the space a little everyday after work because I am a little behind schedule. I finished one coat of the wall paint in the bedroom, but ran out of paint. The paint was a mixture Melissa and I made before I left Savannah.
It was created after a wonderful bottle of merlot... or was it Pinot Noir? Anyhow, I went to True Value to see if they could match it, but it came out a wee bit lighter. So now I am not sure I have enough of the new paint. Ugh!
In other news my friend Gloria has come home to visit her family in Greenville and we will be having dinner one day this week. She also said she may stop by campus one day for lunch.
Gloria lives in Los Angeles now. I don’t get to see her often so it will be nice to catch up.

04 June 2008
French & Saunders
01 June 2008
Loft (continued)
The grout on these windows is over one hundred years old and it’s very solid. It’s a testament to the way they constructed and the materials they used back then. I had to use a flat head screwdriver as well as a chisel to break up the grout. Then I had to use a rubber mallet to smack out the glass. Of course the glass broke.
Thankfully it is a safety glass so it did not shatter everywhere. I will have to repeat the process for every window because I want to replace the panes with clear glass. That’s only 81 times!
The electrician comes tomorrow to install some power for the heavy duty A/C, which is for the large room as well as a couple other sockets.
Next weekend I would like to begin painting the ceilings, walls and the floors.